Sven Lippold | DOPHyundai - FIFA - World Cup U17
Sven Lippold | DOP
Hyundai - FIFA - World Cup U17


FIFA - World Cup U17




Lexi Both lives | DC


Airblade | DC

Motion Reel


Nissan Xtrail

Water Project


Suzuki Ertiga

Table Top



Freedom of Energy


Save the Forest

Honda Bike



Toyota Altis

BNI Bank


Garnier for Men




sven was born and raised in leipzig.

he went through several education processes and finally studied at the school of television

fam in leipzig before embarking into filmproduction.

in 2006 he left europe for asia and pursued a career in commercial production throughout the whole continent.

he has lived in vietnam and indonesia for 10 years and moved back to europe in late 2016.

gamelan music and the msg in the food made him stay for so long.

sven is based in berlin and jakarta with his family.

he speaks english and bahasa indonesia and snippets of other asian languages.


honda | dir.: matthias berndt | p: may production vietnam
skyline | dir.: soleen yusef | p: komplizen film
go viet | p: squarebox cinefilm | dir: iskandar siva
pringles | p: the big blue bkk | dir: brendan gibbons
lays bugles | p: keypoint prod | dir: peter manus
alpha | p: 116 | dir: matt wilson
john hardy | p: good comp | dir: ken kouchey
suzuki ertiga | p: sevensundayfilms | dir: iclaudius
honda | p: clubhousefilm | dir: martin wilk
caricol | p: dasrund | dir: ron eichhorn
bosch athlet | p: soupfilm | dir: mona el mansouri
my tea | p: kemistry \ dir: jody dwyer
pringles | p: the big blue bkk | dir: brendan gibbons
pringles | p: applebox | dir: ayappa
wwf forest psa | p: koifilms | dir: kike
vicks | p: shooting gallery sg | dir: tim denton
mitu | p: sevensundayfilms | dir: tim denton
toyota altis | p: restless malaysia | dir: iclaudius
harbin beer | p: made in china | dir: roger meduina
toyota rush | p: cutshop | dir: me
kapal api coffee | p: ab | dir: iclaudius
silverqueen | p: fatbelly | dir: david rechtman
rexona | bullet bkk | dir: john buche
garnier | p: absolute pics | dir: iclaudius
alpenliebe | p: making name | dir: james teh
vape | p: dragon | dir: nicholas reynolds
aia insurance | p: cutshop | dir: me
bni corporate | p: planet prod | dir: tito
minutemaid | p: making name | dir: simont phang
nissan xtrail | p: absolute pics | dir: iclaudius
air asia | p: fatbelly | dir: bevan cullinan
ponds | p: rtfilms | dir: tarie
toyota yaris | p: cutshop | dir: me
sariwangi | p: rtfilms | dir: lukitasari
pgn gas | p: visual farm | dir: lukitasari
tic tac | p: applebox malaysia | dir: iclaudius
oreo | p: absolute pics | dir: adrian tanf
lg aircon | p: rtfilms | dir: chart go
daihatsu | p: absolute pics | dir: felicia yong
crosspad | p: ab | dir: chuan lim
aig insurance | p: rtfilms | dir: paul
rhino psa cap kaki 3 | p: nirvana | dir: chris breckwolt
bodrex | p: 25frames | dir: simf
rinso psa | p: sbc |dir: bona palma
nivea for men | p: rtfilms | dir: iclaudius
axis | p: gama | dir: isaac wee
brands essensce of chicken | p: rtfilms | dir: david rechtman
lemonwater | p: sbc | dir: peter aquilina
quaker oats | p: nayfosindo | dir: eugene lim
abc kopi | p: brofilms | dri: leong
hansaplast | p: absolute pics | dir: adrian tang
honda | p: dreamlight | dir: franklin
ford fiesta | p: kemistry | dir: putra
djarum badminton | p: nayfosindo | dir: bernie ryan
protecal | p: sbc | dir: lukitasari
la lights | p: sbc | dir: lukitasari
opick | p: bppics | dir: bona palma
climber pertamina | p: cinesphere | dir: amrin nugroho
cussons | p: making name | dir: james teh
nescafe | p: making name | dir: james teh
yamaha | p: sbc | dir: peter aquilina
gudang garam | p: sbc | dir: ak
biskuat | p: nayfosindo | dir: ben wee
pizza hut | p: velocity | dir: ben wee
unicef “switch off” campaign | p: sbc | dir: bona palma ( gold at one show, cannes silver lion craft}
pepsodent | p: squareboxfilms | dir: bona palma
nescafe | p: squareboxfilms | dir: bona palma
nissan sylphy | p: wannago bkk | dir: chat
honda civic | p: xc | dir: carr wu
yellow pages | p: sudest | dir: cong duong
silvester see | p: ace hero hongkong | dir: sil | 7.1 concert
fehlende stunde | p: brandin pics | dir: benjamin tillig | short
unicef bird flu campaign | p: d2k | dir: fel rudolfo
nike gravity | p: division pictures | dir: martin wilk
kymdan kubber | p: toanviet | dir.: martin wilk
sym moto | p: av-viet| dir: hoang nam
ic!berlin style victim | p: division pictures | dir: che andre bergendahl
b.tight & tony d. aggro berlin| p: appleboxfilms berlin | dir: moritz stumm | mv
expedition ins tierreich & baerenalm | p: bluepaw | dir: svetlana egorova | docu
blonde | p: threebraincells | dir: dagmar baumunk | short

Homepage Sven Lippold


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